
SAS Analytics and data Interpretation with a hint of regression

hi there  as  i  have Discussed  about the SAS analytics part and the Tools working on  to analyse the pile Of data in different departments of the Organisation previously i discussed how the data is analysed in SAS tools and with that anaysis how its been forecasted by using  R Tools which is regression tools and thus integrated with different Departments of the Organisation  as we have discussed earlier and now i was searching for the Tutorial from  the scratch which covers entire Details about the Course and the certification as well so check on this link :- here you will get the entire details from the scratch that will include the real time examples with projects explanation with the theory discussion and many more exercises moreover you can check on the basic of SAS as well for better Details on the Course with the better Discussion with the instructors check this link for better Details :-

SAS Programming and its Contribution Towards Data analysis

 Hi There  Today   Businesses are running on Data sets and there are pile of data which  is handled by the Business which Consists of Different Fields  which are Operations, Product  management , Quality Assessment and many more  so the Businesses Run on the Integration of these Fields thus it is  requirement of the Fields to Have their Data Shared together and analysed  accrdingly Now SAS Statistical analysis which is responsible for the Analysis of data Sets and can manipulate data Sets and retrieval of data Sets  as well now in SAS There are DATA Steps and PROC Steps  to perform all these tasks thus in DATA Steps : this will Perform The retrieval of data and manipulation of data sets from the Database  as per the Requirement of the Client request and PROC Steps : which are Responsible for the call upon Procedure  and it perform analysis and reporting on Data Sets and thus responsible for the Statistical analysis and Graphics so SAS Programming  is basically  used by the D